Creating spacious conversations…
Whether you are seeking therapy, need clinical supervision or consultation, or want the most cutting-edge training available for your staff, I will work alongside you every step of the way to achieve your desired outcomes.
Therapy with youth
If you’re a parent or responsible adult with a young person in your life, you want them to “have someone to talk to.” You want to know the young person is safe, respected, and provided a space where they can sort through the stuff that’s making life hard. I offer that space for those conversations. These are conversations that make new identities possible.
Julie teaching at the University of Maringa in Brazil.
With a background in youth work, experience working with young people at all levels of care, and a deep appreciation of the centrality of pop culture in young people’s lives, I’m uniquely prepared to connect with young people. In fact, I wrote three books about this.
Family therapy and relationship therapy
“Fault” is the F-word and “blame” is the B-word when working relationally. How about having a conversation where you and the important person/people in your life come together against the problems, rather than having problems that pit you against each other? What if everyone steps into accountability rather than taking the blame? Sound good? Let’s talk!
Queer, trans, & non-binary youth and adults
I am #YourQueerTherapist (Hi! My pronouns are she/her/hers–what are yours?). More than doing “gay-affirming therapy,” my practice is informed by queer theory.
This means I understand the impact of the gender binary, heteronormativity, homonormativity, and cisnormativity on your identity and your life. It also means I question the taken-for-granted assumptions our culture imposes about gender, sexuality, sex, relationships, and identity. It means I get that as a parent, nothing in our culture prepared you to have a gender creative 6-year-old or a nonbinary teen. It also means I’m sex-positive and poly-friendly and won’t freak out if you bring your partners and their partners to a session. This isn’t therapy for queers; it’s therapy that’s queered. Oh, and I wrote three books about this, too.

Julie teaching in Hong Kong.
A Therapist’s Therapist (and a therapist for youth workers)
When you do this work, you want someone who knows the work, and knows it well. Whether or not the stuff of your practice is central to the concerns that bring you to therapy, I appreciate that doing this work is more than just a job.
Generative Conversational Coaching
While you may not be struggling with mental health-related concerns, you may still desire to make some meaningful changes in your life.
If this is the case, generative conversational coaching can be a place that sparks your imagination of what is possible, fosters creative problem-solving for sustainable solutions, and leverages your skills and knowledges toward your preferred ways of showing up in the world.
Here are some of the aspirations people bring to coaching:
- Cultivate relational skills that center your values and intentions
- Embody your relational ethics in your personal relationships and community involvement and foster meaningful connections with others
- Turn insight/awareness into action
- Imagine and articulate your mission/passion/purpose/vision and foster skills and knowledge that allow you to live into it
- Construct creative, sustainable, and value-based solutions to respond to problems that create barriers to your preferred identities and ways of being in the world
- Enhance performance and creativity as an athlete, artist, writer, scholar, etc.

Clinical Supervision and Consultation

Julie facilitating panel discussion on gender at TC9 conference in Vancouver.
If you’re a therapist or youth worker who wants: to learn how to diagnose; write thorough assessments; ignore issues of power and privilege; focus on clients’ “personal choices and responsibility;” and maintain fidelity to a particular evidence-based practice, DO NOT CALL ME.
On the other hand, if you would like to: cultivate your understanding of and skills in narrative approaches; nurture your capacity for self-reflexivity through deliberate practice; develop your practice to support queer and trans folks; enhance your cultural responsiveness and accountability; gain competence in family therapy; and practice relational responsibility and an ethic of care, then BY ALL MEANS CALL ME.
I’m a Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health Therapy Approved Supervisor. I’m committed to making supervision financially accessible and personally supportive
I provide custom-made training for your staff on a variety of topics.
Click on the descriptions below to get an idea of some of the workshop topics.

Julie presenting on queer theory at TC10 conference in Vancouver.
Here’s what people say about my workshops:
- “Accessible”
- “Brilliant”
- “Fun & provocative”
- “Down to earth”
- “Mind-blowing”
- “Engaging”
- “Keeps it real”
- “Best teacher”
- “Never get enough”
iYouth: Kids, Counseling & Pop Culture
Therapeutic Conversations with Queer Youth
Families in Transition: Transgender Youth in Context
Fire Up! Battle “Burnout” by Rekindling the Flame: Re-claiming Your Mission
Staying Connected & Constructing Possibilities: How to not be the Man with Youth
Let's Start a Conversation
Believe me—I can talk a lot of dense theory and carry on about a lot of big effing ideas— but that’s not what you’re here for, and this isn’t about me, it’s about you and your life. It’s my job to *get* you and respond to you on your terms, in your terms.
I begin every relationship with potential clients with a brief phone call (there’s no fee or obligation).