The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work
Articles written by Julie published in the The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work.
Showing all 4 results
Popular Culture Texts and Young People: Making Meaning, Honouring Resistance, and Becoming Harry Potter
This article introduces the use of cultural studies methodologies as a way to make meaning and generate new identity conclusions with young people and their families.
Resisting Normativity: Queer Musings on Politics, Identity, and the Performance of Therapy
What are some of the hazards of the modern gay rights movement? The authors propose that in attempting to secure ‘equal’ rights in various aspects of public and private life – for example, marriage, military service, and health insurance – modern gay rights engages in ‘homonormativity’.
The Gender Binary: Theory & Lived Experience
This paper focuses on interrogating the gender binary (male/female) which has created the context for gender transgression. Reflections from a queer-identified woman on her experiences as the partner of a transman are shared in response to this paper.
Winter Stories: Therapeutic Conversations from the Land of Ice and Snow
People living in colder climates often diagnose themselves with ‘winter depression’ or ‘seasonal affective disorder’ when they experience sadness, low energy, fatigue and other difficulties that they attribute to the cold and dark days of winter. There are limitations to locating these problems only in bodily and medical discourses and ignoring the culture-bound ways these discourses are constructed and circulated through the kinds of stories we tell about winter.