Resources for Professionals

Julie’s most recent book, Queering Your Therapy Practice: Queer Theory, Narrative Therapy, and Imagining New Identities is the winner of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) 2022 Book Award.
Cultural Studies Methodologies and Narrative Family Therapy: Therapeutic Conversations About Pop Culture
Feedback Informed Treatment: Evidence-Based Practice Meets Social Construction
Friendly Ghosts: Re-Membering Conversations with Children
Homonormativity & Queer Youth Resistance
Narrative Approaches to Youth Work: Conversational Skills for a Critical Practice
Nimble and Courageous Acts: How Michael Became the Boss of Himself
Pedagogy and Praxis: Postmodern Spirit in the Classroom
Popular Culture Texts and Young People: Making Meaning, Honouring Resistance, and Becoming Harry Potter
Psychotherapy Research, the Recovery Movement and Practice-Based Evidence in Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Queering Your Therapy Practice: Queer Theory, Narrative Therapy, and Imagining New Identities
Re-Methodologizing Research: Queer Considerations for Just Inquiry
Resisting Normativity: Queer Musings on Politics, Identity, and the Performance of Therapy
Showing all 13 results
Cultural Studies Methodologies and Narrative Family Therapy: Therapeutic Conversations About Pop Culture
Feedback Informed Treatment: Evidence-Based Practice Meets Social Construction
Friendly Ghosts: Re-Membering Conversations with Children
Homonormativity & Queer Youth Resistance
Nimble and Courageous Acts: How Michael Became the Boss of Himself
Pedagogy and Praxis: Postmodern Spirit in the Classroom
Popular Culture Texts and Young People: Making Meaning, Honouring Resistance, and Becoming Harry Potter
Psychotherapy Research, the Recovery Movement and Practice-Based Evidence in Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Re-Methodologizing Research: Queer Considerations for Just Inquiry
Resisting Normativity: Queer Musings on Politics, Identity, and the Performance of Therapy
The Gender Binary: Theory & Lived Experience
We Don’t Need No Education: Parents are Doing it For Themselves
Winter Stories: Therapeutic Conversations from the Land of Ice and Snow
Let's Start a Conversation
Believe me—I can talk a lot of dense theory and carry on about a lot of big effing ideas— but that’s not what you’re here for, and this isn’t about me, it’s about you and your life. It’s my job to *get* you and respond to you on your terms, in your terms.
I begin every relationship with potential clients with a brief phone call (there’s no fee or obligation).